Persian Language Program
The Department of Linguistic Asian/Middle Eastern Languages offers courses in Persian
language and culture. Although we currently do not offer a major or minor in Persian,
students can elect to study Persian as a way to fulfill the language requirement for
the Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal arts and sciences. Students must successfully
complete Persian 201 or the equivalent level of achievement to satisfy this language
Persian New Year Celebration
FREE EVENT with cultural food, dancers, performances, and a special guest, DJ Davood!
Wednesday, March 20 | 4:30-8:30 p.m.
SDSU International Student Center (1261 Canyon Crest Dr.)
Lower Division
Native speakers of Persian will not receive credit for taking lower division courses in Persian except with advance approval from the department. No credit will be given for Persian 101, 102, 201, and 202 taken out of sequence.
PERS 101. Elementary Modern Persian I (4)
Introduction to modern Persian and Persian writing system. Development of speaking,
listening, and reading skills using multimedia materials. Vocabulary for everyday
topics and develop culturally appropriate discourse strategies for everyday situations.
Not open to students with credit in Persian 102, 201, 202, 301, or a higher numbered
Persian course.
PERS 102. Elementary Modern Persian II (4)
Prerequisite: Persian 101 or two semesters of high school Persian.
Continuation of Persian 101. Development of speaking, listening, and reading skills
using multimedia materials. Vocabulary for everyday topics and develop culturally
appropriate discourse strategies for everyday situations. Not open to students with
credit in Persian 201, 202, 301, or a higher-numbered Persian course.
PERS 201. Intermediate Persian I (4)
Prerequisite: Persian 102.
Further development of speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills, with emphasis
on language of everyday conversation. Integrated approach to learning Persian to include
awareness and appreciation of Persian culture. Not open to students with credit in
Persian 202, 301, or a higher-numbered Persian course.
PERS 202. Intermediate Persian II (4)
Prerequisite: Persian 201.
Intermediate level students achieve further proficiency in speaking, listening, reading,
and writing; produce language needed for daily routines and work related discourse.
Not open to students with credit in Persian 301 or a higher-numbered Persian course.
PERS 296. Experimental Topics (1-4)
Selected topics. May be repeated with new content. See Class Schedule for specific
content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable
to a bachelor's degree.
Upper Division
All upper division courses in Persian are taught in Persian unless otherwise stated. No credit will be given for Persian 301 and 302 taken out of sequence.
PERS 301. Advanced Persian I (4)
Prerequisites: Persian 202 and completion of the General Education requirement in
Foundations of Learning II.C., Humanities.
Oral expression and writing for practical purposes; exposure to various dialects through
newspaper and media; elements of literary and classical language.
PERS 302. Advanced Persian II (4)
Prerequisites: Persian 301 and completion of the General Education requirement in
Foundations of Learning II.C., Humanities.
Writing complex literary and expository texts. Reading modern and classical texts
to include complicated media. Producing, understanding debates and speeches.
PERS 496. Topics in Persian Studies (1-4)
Topics in Persian language, literature, culture, and linguistics. May be repeated
with new content. See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of
any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor's degree. Maximum
credit eight units. May be taught in English.
Contact Us
Pooneh Paydar, Program Advsior
Email: ppaydar@sdsu.edu | Office: SHW 209
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